The software that connects brands, clubs and their members.

[ For brands ]

We develop a <software/> for teamwear

In a niche market in full transformation but still largely under-equipped, sports equipment distributors, specialists in clubs, are looking to equip themselves with technological tools adapted to their challenges. We provide a software designed specifically to help these thousands of sports equipment distributors to transform their relationship with their clients, clubs, while facilitating the sale directly to members. By dematerializing these interactions, we help distributors to exploit the best opportunities and potential of their local market.

Our vision is that of a market where sports equipment distributors are the cornerstone of a new sales model, both segmented and community-based, made up of amateur clubs that they serve locally.

Adrien Gontero Co-founder & Partnerships Manager

[ Why we do it ]

We want to write a new chapter in the distribution of sports equipment.

Our thesis is simple: the future of distribution model is both local, segmented and community-based. We are convinced that retailers, alongside their local partner clubs, must play a central role in the future of sports equipment distribution.

Since sports equipment distributors already work with clubs, and that clubs gather hundreds of club members, there is just a little oil left in the gears to make this distribution model take off. For each local distributor, clubs thus become the unique way to reach club members at scale and with precision.

[ Key figures ]

1 million

amateur clubs in Europe

Club members

250 million

184 B€

sports equipment expenses per year (EU)

Clubs equipped with an online store today

8 % only

First lines of code and launch of the first version of our software. Sport Avenue Pro and 11Teamsports become the first distributors to use Grinta as their club store solution.
Grinta raises 2 million euros, accelerating the development of the software foundations and the recruitment of 4 developers and designers.
More than 1,000 clubs have created their space through their local sports equipment distributor. A community of pioneering clubs on which our team relies to improve the existing and develop new features.
Publication of our study on the use of club stores by sports equipment distributors. The study is based on the testimonies of 76 European distributors.
Kappa and adidas propose to their partner distributors to use Grinta to create and operate the online stores of their client clubs.

[ Our supporters ]

We are supported by investors who have marked their industry with their imprint. Their experience and their network illuminate our decisions.

“By creating a model in which clubs become an alternative to traditional distribution, Grinta has the potential to become an indispensable solution in the transformation of the sports equipment industry.”

Guillaume de Montplanet ex-CEO adidas France

“Brands and their partners are looking for a technology that allows clubs to become a new pillar of their omnichannel strategy.”

Philippe Massonat ex-DG Nike Football France

“I see in Grinta an exceptional talent for building a new standard in the sports equipment industry. The founding team is obsessed with the development of its product and the desire to improve the existing.”

Daniel Beutler ex-President Trainline International
Lucien Boyer ex. Global CEO Havas Sports
Olivier Letang President of LOSC
Christophe Chenut ex. CEO Lacoste & L’Equipe
Yannick Nyanga Manager of the Racing 92 Espoirs team
Inspiring Sport Capital European Private Equity
RSI Région Sud Investissement

[ Our foundation ]

Because it requires trust, humility, respect, transparency and kindness. Because it is also a source of motivation, engagement and creativity. Because it is even better when it is shared. We have made love a founding value of Grinta, a value that we try to spread internally and externally.

“It takes a number of critical factors to win an NBA championship, including the right mix of talent, creativity, intelligence, toughness, and, of course, luck. But if a team doesn’t have the most essential ingredient - love - none of those other factors matter.”

Phil Jackson 11 times NBA-championship winner Quoted from the book Eleven Rings, Chapter 1: Circle of love